RECOGNIZED BY Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt.of Indian & Indian Olmpic Accociation Included in: School Games, University Game.

Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulation of Ball Badminton Game

The rules of the game are as follows :-

These game rules given in this book are according to the BBFI rules.

    a. The game shall be played by five players a side, two fronts, one center and two backs with Ball Badminton rackets and woolen ball upon a court as laid out as per the diagram. Such a game shall be called a game of “Fives” and the game consists of 35 points.

b. The game shall also be played by doubles or mixed doubles by two players a side, one front and one back with Ball Badminton racket and woolen ball upon a court with half the width of the court laid down as shown in diagram 2. The length of the court and other details remaining the same as that of “Fives”. But such a game shall be called a game of “Doubles” and it consist of 35 points as in fives.
c. Singles can also be played in Open or Invitation Tournments by one player a side.  The width of the Court will be the same as that of Doubles but the length will be half of the length of the Doubles Court and the game points will be 35 as in fives.

    a.The ball: A ball of yellow colour made of wool shall not be less than 22 grams and not more than 23 grams in weight and not less than 5cms. And not more than 5.5 cms. In diameter.

    b.The racket: A standard Ball Badminton racket usually weighs from 200 gms. To   250 gms. And 63 cms. to 70 cms. in total length. The gutted elliptical area of the racket shall be 20 cms. to 22 cms. across and 24 to 27 cms. length wise.

    c. The net: The net shall be made of fine cord to make 2 cms. square mesh all along and shall be edged with a red tape flush at the top. It shall be tri-color (red tape, white and blue body). The net shall be 1meter. Wide and 13.5 meters in length. When tied, a center pole of 183 cms. and two poles of 185cms. at extremities shall be used to maintain 183 cms. height of the net at the center.

    d. Posts: Two posts each 2 meters height shall be fixed at a distance not exceeding one meter outside the court on either side at the end of the net line to which the net is tied. These shall be sufficiently strong to keep the net well stretched. A hook must be fixed at 1.5 meters height to each pole for the convenience of tightening the net whenever necessary.

    e.The court: The size of the court for the fives shall be 12 meters in width and 24 meters in length. It is divided across the middle by a net line over which the net is suspended, the ends of which are attached to the tops of the two posts. One meter away from each side of the net line and parallel to it are drawn or marked the serving crease lines. Half way between the serving crease lines and parallel to the side lines is drawn the center line dividing the space on each side of the crease line into two equal parts called the right and the left courts.(see diagram)


Note: (1) The size of the court for doubles shall be 6 meters in width and 24 meters in length. All the other details of the court will be the same. Thus a doubles court will be just half the size of the fives court in width only. There shall not be a centerline for the doubles court as in the fives court. If a fives court is used for doubles, the center line may be used as the one side line.

(2) The boundary lines, centre and crease lines are to be marked clearly with tape of white colour 10mm thickness.
Laying Ball
Ball Badminton court should be laid in North-South directions to avoid derect Sun to the eyes of players.

Make a line ‘M N’ of 12 meters (east-west). Fix nails at M and N. Make a point ‘O’ from the end M and a point ‘P’ from the end ‘N’ at a distance of 3 meters. Thus making MN = 12m. MP = 9 m. and NO = 9 m. Now from point M, with a radius of 12 meters make arcs on either side (north and south) and from point P, with a radius of 15 meters cut the previous arcs at A and D.

Similarly from point N, with a radius of 12 meters make arcs on either side and from point D, with a radius of 15 meters, cut the previous arcs at B and C. Fix nails A,B,C and D and run a rope through them. Now we got a ‘Fives Court’ – ABCD.

MN is the Net Line. Draw parallel lines either side of it at a distance of one metre. They are the serving crease lines (dead lines). Mark the mid-points of AB and CD. Join these mid-points to their serving crease lines. About a metre from M nand N, erect the posts.

Players and positioning:- At any time 5 players will be playing and 5 players will be sitting as substitutes for each side. The 5 players will be occupying 5 positions viz., left front, left back ,right back, right front and center. However, during play the positions are interchangeable and it is not a fault.       





















Text Box: Right  Court        	          Left  Court  Serving Crease  _________NET LINE________  Serving Crease          Left  Court          	        Right  CourtBALL BADMINTON COURT (fives) : -


--------------------------12 meters-------------------------

While playing five are in the court five substitutes, manager, coach and a gutter of the respective teams are provided chairs a little away from the sideline. They are supposed to sit in their respective seats until their game is over.


Text Box: 6 meters      Serving Crease                1 m    _____NET LINE_____    Serving Crease                1 m      6 meters









  1. The play: The act of serving shall consist in striking the ball from the right court or left court of one side to the diagonally opposite court of the other side. Each server shall commence from the right court and change over to the left court for every point made. Any one of the receiving team shall send the ball to the serving team in a single stroke.

  2. In each game immediately after the first 9th, 18th and 27th point the teams shall change the sides and the server shall serve from the right court or left court as he would have done in the normal course if the side was not changed. That is to say if the server had served from the right court obtaining a point necessitating the change, he shall serve from the left court after change of side. Similarly he shall serve from the right court if the point was gained from the left court before the change.

  3. The ball shall be served by a player underhand and below the waist: it shall go clear over the net and beyond the serving crease line on the other side of the net.

  4. (A service shall be considered overhand if the ball at the moment of being struck by the racket is higher than the server’s waist. The point to be remembered is that a service shall be declared overhand only if the ball at the instant of being struck, i.e., when it actually touches the racket, is higher than the server’s waist. An overhand service is a fault.)

  5. The ball shall be returned before it touches the ground by any one of the players standing in the court served to.

  6. No player shall strike the ball more than once consecutively.

  7. i) The server shall not serve until the other side is ready. If any of the players of the other side attempts to return the service, it shall be considered to be ready.


ii) If the ball is going out the player tried to attempt it is not a fault.
   Note:  Ordinarily the players of the receiving side are expected to be ready

During the progress of the game a player must not leave the court except when he does so in the act of playing or when he meets with an accident or for any good reason with the permission of the umpire.

 Note:   Changing a racket , tying the shoe lace, tightening the belt etc. cannot be   considered  as leaving the court . But player shall involve in such activities  only after getting the permission of the referee . Referee shall normally acceed to the request of the players for such activities when the ball is  not in rally . However the referee will have the final right to refuse, if he is genuinely convinced that such activities are purposeful delaying tactics


    1. (i) In the case of fives tournament the team consists  of Ten players whose names are furnished before the commencement of the tournament and any five of them shall play while the other five  shall be physically present in the prescribed playing uniform with the team manager outside  the court . In the case of a doubles tournament it shall be a team of three players, the other stipulations remaining the same.

(ii) During the course of  any match of three or five games (as decided by the tournament committee), three substitution   / change of player shall be allowed in  each game if required by the captain / manager of the team subject to rule 6 (g) (i) above. The substitution can be made at any time during the game. Once the game is stopped on request for making a substitution the substitution should be executed.

Note :- Once three substitutions are availed  no further substitution shall be allowed  during that game under any circumstances  .
(iii) Time Out: A time out of one minute for both the teams on each game.

    1. No change of ball shall be allowed  in a match during the set of three games .


 Note:-  In the event of a ball getting deformed or other wise unfit for use during the   course of the game, a change may be allowed by the umpire at his discretion in the matter .
h)    To win a Rally: Whenever a Serving Team Wins a Rally (i.e. if the opposition team fails to return the ball or commits any other fault) the serving team scores one point and continues to serve.  In case if the opponent team wins a rally.  The opponent team gains the right to serve and score one point.

        Only one hand will serve in one over starting from Right Side like that all the five hands of the same team will serve on Rotation basis.  When once the First Five hands will complete in Five overs again the Rotation will start from the First hand of that team.

7)  Faults: It is a fault

  1. If the server is not stationary while serving.


Note:   A server shall be considered to be stationary only if both his feet touch the ground at the time of service. It is sufficient that any portion of each of the foot touches the ground while in the act of service. Foot fault shall be declared only if any foot is raised above the ground and held in suspension while in the act of service. ACT OF SERVICE MEANS PRE-ACTION, STRIKING THE BALL AND FOLLOWUP ACTION.

  1. If the server misses his stroke in serving.
  2. If the ball is served overhand (See Rule 6 (b) for explanation).
  3. If the service is delivered from the wrong court
  4. If the ball is not returned before it touches the ground.
  5. If the ball served drops:.


    1.   in the wrong court
    2.  Between the net and serving crease lines. 
  1. If a player serves out of his turn. (A player is said to serve out of his turn if he serves before the previous server is out ) . In such a case the hand of the previous server shall be treated as down and the present server shall be asked to re-serve irrespective of the server wins or loses a point.


  1. If any portion of the server’s body or racket crosses any of the lines when serving (even a foot on line is out of court).
  1. If it is a ‘double touch’. That means a player while making a stroke hits the ball more than once.


  1. If it is ‘tip’. That means the ball is touched by two rackets of the same team successively.
  1. If it is a ‘clash’. That means when the rackets of two or more players clash in playing the ball either before, during or after striking the ball.
  2. If a player or his racket crosses the net line during the course of play i.e. during the rally.


  1. If the ball touches any player or his dress whether inside or outside the court.
  1. If the player in the act of striking crosses his racket either over the net or touches the net.


  1. If the ball fails to clear the net in serving or in returning.
  2. If the ball touches the top of the net.
  1. If the ball is tapped on the ground before serving even after warned by the umpire to play.


  1. If delay is caused in serving by passing on the ball from one player to the other after the umpire asked to serve.

8) To Win A Match:

   (a)  To win a Match Best of Three games will be played upto Quarter Finals.  The Semi Finals and Finals will be played best of Three / Five Games (As per the decision of the Tournament Committee).  A game / Set is won by the team that first scores 35 points with a minimum lead of two points.  In the case of 34 – 34 score for each team, play is continued until a two point lead is reached.  However a point limit is reached at 39th point i.e. if the score is equal upto 38, then who will score 39th point first will be the winner of that particular game.

(b)     There shall be interval of 2 minutes between the end of the first game and the commencement of the second game and 5 minutes between the second and the third games.  This time interval should not be altered.

 (c) The choice of sides and the right of first service shall be decided by toss at the commencement of a match. If the team winning the toss choses the right of the service, the other team shall have the choice of side and vice-versa.

(d) At the commencement of a match the umpire shall allow two trials, one form each side and after the trials are over the umpire shall call ‘play’ with due intimation to the scorer and line referees and from that time regular play commences.

(e) One main umpire, and second referee / umpire, two or more line referees and a scorer shall be nominated for each match.

(f) When the umpire calls ‘play’ the side refusing to play the match shall lose the   match.

(g) The umpire shall be the sole judge of fair or unfair play and of the fitness of the weather and the light for play. His decision shall be final.

(h) A ball is in ‘play’ from the time a player attempts to serve until it touches the ground or a ‘fault’ or ‘let’ is given by the umpire.

  1. It shall be the duty of the umpire to call ‘fault’ or ‘let’ with or without an appeal from the players.


(j) If an umpire erroneously calls ‘fault’ and at once corrects himself and calls ‘play’ and the striker out fails to return the ball, a ‘let’ shall be allowed.
(k) No umpire shall be changed during a match without the consent of the Tournament Committee

(l)  Each of the two or more line referees shall be responsible for one boundary line and one half of the side line opposite to the umpire and other duties assigned to him by the umpire. They shall signal to the umpire by means of a code prescribed by the Federation.

(m) The scorer shall record the points scored and also the number of hands in the

(n)  The ball may be replaced by an umpire, if it is either lost or deformed.

(o) A ‘let’ or ‘re-service’ shall be given by the umpire for any unforeseen or accidental hindrance.

(p)  The umpire in addition to his other duties shall also look after the net. He shall announce the score on behalf of the scorer whenever a point is scored or a server is out. In announcing the score, he shall call first the number of the serving hand, then the score of the serving team and then the score of another team.

(q) In the event of a match being suspended by the umpire for reasons of light or weather or any other reasons it will be continued from the point at which it was stopped.

(r) In the event of tie between two or more teams in any tournament, matches shall never be re-played. Ranks on the basis of game score and on the basis of point score if tie still persists, shall be declared.

EXPLANTATION: In a league tournament when two or more teams finally have same number of matches won/lost to their credit it is difficult to declare which one is a better team among them and we say that the teams are tied up. A tie may be there between any numbers of teams. When the tie arises we look at the game score of the tied teams.

GAME SCORE: We will record for each team the number of games won in favor and lost to from each match played in the league. While doing so we remember each match is played for best of three games. Therefore a team winning a match after three games it will have two games in favor and one game against. But if a team, wins a match in straight two games it will have three games in favor and zero games against. Similarly the team, which lost, will simultaneously get one game in favor and two games or zero games in favor and three games against as the case may be. Finally the difference between the total number of games in favor and against is made for each team which is known as game score. The team with the highest game score shall be declared as the best and next highest as the next ranking team among tied up teams. However, if again two or more teams tied up with the game score also their point score in the league is computed.

POINT SCORE: We tabulate the points scored in favor and lost to in each game and for all the matches played in the league by the teams tied up with game score. While doing so far a team which won the match in straight two games, after recording the points scored in favour and lost to in the two games played we should also record 35 points in favour and zero points against for the third game that the opponent team could not qualify to play even. Correspondingly we record zero points in favor and 35 points against for the defeated team. Then the difference of the total points scored in favor and lost to from all the matches will be found. At that stage the team securing the highest net point shall be declared as the best as the second best etc. For further details see the example worked out.


EXAMPLE: Five teams a, b, c, d, and e played league.
The results are given below. Give the ranks 1to 5 to them.

Result: a lost of b   24-35            35-20  &      26-35
a beat     c   35-18,           28-35  &      35-12
a beat     d   35-14,           26-35  &      35-15
a best     e    35-26,          24-35  &      35-21
b beat     c    35-27    &   35-26
b beat     d    35-24    &    35-22
b lost to  e    35-18,         16-35   &      24-35
c lost to  d    20-35    &   18-35
c beat to  e    35-24   &    35-20
d lost to  e    28-35    &     6-35



Match Score

























From the match score teams a and b are tied up with 3 wins in whom 1st and 2nd ranks should be decided. Team E with 2 wins will get the 3rd rank.

Teams c and d are tied up with one win each in whom 4th and 5th ranks should be decided.


                      Game Score


Text Box: A		B		B		D	  F	A	F	A	F	A	F	A  1	2	2	1	1	2	1	2  2	1	3	0	0	3	0	3  2	1	3	0	0	3	3	0  2	1	1	2	3	0	0	3  7	5	9	3	4	8	4	8  2		6			4		4    



Team b with net game score of 6 in favour will be 1st. Team a with net score of 2 will be 2nd Teams c and d with net score of 4 games against are tied up for 4th and 5th ranks.



Point Score
Text Box: Team  c	Team  d   F     A	 F    A  18 – 35	14 – 35  35 - 28	29 – 35  12 – 35	15 – 35  27 – 35	24 – 35  26 – 35	22 – 35  0   - 35	0   - 35  20 – 35	35 – 20  18 – 35	35 – 18  0 - 35	35 -  0  35 – 24	28 – 35  35 – 20	16 – 35  35-  0	0   - 35  261-353	253-359  -92	-106









Team c with -92 points against will have 4th rank and team b with -106 points against will be 5th rank.

(s) The umpire can over rule the decision of the line referee in case where he feels that an error has been committed.

(t) No match is won unless played out or given up except in the case provided for in sub-rule (f) above.

(u) The team that gives walk-over shall not be allowed to take part further in the championship/tournament.

9) Discipline: In view of the umpire, if a player misbehaves in the court that brings discredit to the referee/other players/officials lowering the image of the game, umpire shall warn the player. at first instance After the first warning the umpire will show yellow card at second instance. This indicates that the player will sent out of that match by showing a red card, at the third instance when the team has to finish that game with the remaining four players only.

Note: The team manager may make substitute for that player who was shown yellow card, provided the substitution was not availed prior to that.


1) As the function of the umpire is most important in a match, he should know thoroughly well the Rules of Ball Badminton

2) a) Before the play begins , the umpire should make necessary entries in the score sheet and hand it over to the scorer for  scoring and obtaining the signature of rival captains at the conclusion of the match .

b) Check the height of the net and other ground arrangements.
c) Give instructions to the line referees and scorer 
d) Shall give instructions to both the teams regarding discipline and important and latest rules of the game in brief.

3) The umpire should be watchful remembering the vital fact that his decision is final on   all points of fact (A player may appeal to the referee on a point of law only)

4) The line referee’s decision is final on all points of fact on his own line the umpire shall not, ordinarily, over rule him. If a line; referee is unsighted. The umpire may give decision if he can; otherwise a ‘let’ should be given subject also to Rule 8 ( r) .

5) All announcements and calling of score should be done distinctly and loudly by the umpire. The order of score should be (a) number of the hand serving (b) the score of the server and (c) the score of the receiver). Should a mistake be made in the announcement, the umpire should admit, apologize and correct it immediately

6) If a decision cannot be given, the umpire should say so and give a ‘let’. He should not ask the players or spectators or be influenced by their remarks.

7) The umpire shall be responsible for all lines not covered by line referees.

8) When the umpire is in doubt, whether there has been an infringement of any rules of the game, ‘fault should not be called A ‘let’ should be given.

9) The umpire should remember that the game is for players. He shall keep the play in progress without unnecessary interruption.

10) In fine the umpire should control the game firmly.


1) A player should thoroughly know the rules of the game

2) He should be sportive both on the field and off it bearing in mind that the spectators appreciate not only his game but also his sportsmanship.

3) He should confirm to the dress regulations and generally appear smart. Players should play with shorts (skirts for girls) and collared T-shirts of same colour for the entire team with white canvas shoes and socks. Colour band on socks and shoes are allowed.

On the left hand side of the chest the name of the state should appear and chest numbers of 4”X3” inches size should be put on front and back sides of T-shirts

Regarding logo should not exceed 8”x 4” on the back side of the T-shirts and 4”X2” on the hands of the T-shirts

4) He should implicitly abide by the decision of the umpire. On a point of rule or allied matter, he may make a representation to the umpire or the tournament committee through his manager.

5) During the play, a player should not adopt delaying tactics (asking for time to drink water or to change the racket etc); it is in bad taste. If the gut has snapped, he should seek the permission of the umpire to change the racket.

Bye-laws governing the conduct of Nationals and Zonal championships


These bye-laws are framed under authority of rule 19 sub-rule of a team of the constitution of the Ball Badminton federation of India.

These bye-laws only supplement the provisions regarding the conduct of Nationals and functioning of the various committees already existing relevant rules in the constitution of the Ball Badminton Federation of India.

Any tournament at District Level, State Level, National Level or All India Invitation Tournament etc., have to follow the Ball Badminton Federation of India rules and bye-laws.  The bye-laws also incorporated in this book for the successful conduct of the championships (All India Level Open or Invitation Tournaments) or to know the bye-laws for organizing National and Zonal Championships, to know age rules for various categories, entry fee, affiliation fee, to constitute various sub-committees according to the federation rules.

The Executive Committee of the Ball Badminton Federation of India shall have the power to explain and interpret rules and give decisions on any point not covered by or explicitly expressed in these bye-laws.

Subscription: The annual subscription for each affiliated state unit shall be Rs.10,000/- and Rs.20,000/- for organizational units.

In case if there any arrears ,arrears has to be paid with a fine of Rs.500/- before the general body meeting accepting the arrears of fee with a further fine of  Rs.5,000/-

I.  Allotment of Nationals /Zonal Championships


(a) As laid down in Rule 23 (i) of the constitution of the Ball badminton Federation of India the place and time for the National and Zonal Championships shall be fixed by the General Body of the Federation not later than the end of February each year

(b) The National and Zonal Championships are usually to be allotted to member organizations at their request by the General Body of the Ball badminton Federation of India.

The organization conducting the National Championship shall pay to Federation, Tournament fee of 15% in case the grants were released.

For conducting Zonal Championship shall pay a fee of Rs.5,000/-

For All India Tournament the fee is Rs.5,000/- (for all India Tournament an observer deputed by the BBFI will attend the Tournament and in turn the observer shall submit a report to BBFI on the conduct of the Tournament. The organizers should bear the expenses of observer)

All the above fees shall be paid to the Federation as soon as the option to conduct the Tournament is accepted by the Ball Badminton Federation of India



Without being inconsistent with the provision contained in rule 27 “sub Committees” in the constitution of the Ball Badminton Federation of India The host Association conducting the Championships may appoint as many sub Committees as may be necessary for the successful conduct of the Championships.



The financial responsibility for the conduct of the championships rests solely with the host Association. Apart from cost of organizational expenses towards rental and maintenance of playing grounds, Batta and lodging to players and officials, transport, publicity etc., etc, the host Association should also meet the expenses for T.A. and D.A. to the chief referee, Referees the Tournament Committee members, selection Committee members and such of the Referee Board members who are called by the Ball badminton Federation of  India from the approved list


(a) Playing condition for the championships shall be as per rules laid down by the Ball Badminton Federation of India in the rules of the game

(b) The Tournament Committee of the Ball Badminton Federation of India or the observer deputed by the Federation for an All India Level Tournament  shall be responsible to decide the proper lay-out, setting and number of the courts, standard of the equipments used etc., The Committees  decision on such matter shall be final and binding

(c) All the courts should be set ready in all respects two days before the commencement of the tournament. The chief Referee should inspect the courts and equipments and report the acceptability or otherwise to the Tournament Committee 24 hours prior to the commencement of the tournament.

(d) It shall be incumbent on the host Association to rectify defects in the lay out or number of courts and remove sub-standard equipments, forthwith, if pointed out by the Tournament Committee. The Tournament is competent to postpone the commencement of the championships in case the committee’s instructions are not carried out by the host Association in time to its satisfaction . in such cases all additional expenses by way of hospitality to participants and office bearers shall be borne by the host Association.

(e) Drinking Water should be provided at each court. Lavatory facilities should also be provided separate for men and women at the vicinity of the playing ground. The Chief Referee shall ensure prior to the commencement of the day’s matches that these are satisfactorily provided.

(f) If on account of any unforeseen reasons the chief referee thinks that the playing ground as a whole or in part has to be shifted/changed/modified etc., he shall do it after obtaining the formal approval of the Tournament Committee The team Managers and captains of teams may also be consulted, if possible, prior to such changes.

(g) There shall be a separate enclosure in a very prominent and convenient place with mike, announcer and all other arrangements as reasonably required by the chief Referee, for maintaining the chief Referee’s field office.

(h) If for any valid reason the chief Referee is unable to proceed with a day’s programme of events he may stop the matches forthwith and report to the Tournament Committee prior to announcing the chief Referee’s decision to the teams and public




(a) The Tournament Committee of the Ball Badminton Federation of India shall form and  function at a time of the National/Zonal championships and the tournament committee of the All India tournament will function for the smooth conduct of the tournament.

(b) The Committee must have a separate place near the chief Referee’s enclosure and the committee must be available for consultation at all times of championships

(c) The members of committee shall be available at the place of the championship at least two days prior to the commencement of the tournaments. The host Association shall provide accommodation and all other admissible facilities to the committee members 2 or3 days prior to the commencement of the Tournament with reference to the actual date of arrival of the members

(d) The committee shall formally meet, well in advance, to finalize the draw of the matches. The committee shall have final powers to amend/alter or completely change the draws



 (a) wherever age limits are prescribed for players age certificates as laid on by the Ball Badminton Federation of India should be produced by the team managers and handed over to the Chief referee’s or any other person authorized to receive it well in advance to enable the Tournament Committee to examine such certificates. Instructions issued by the BBFI and currently in Vogue regarding the format of the age certificate, attestation to be obtained etc., are to be strictly adhered to by the participants. The Tournament Committee shall have the final authority to refuse to accept any age certificate which in a opinion is not acceptable.

(b) The secretary of the member of organization shall be equally responsible as the concerned player for the production of genuine, acceptable age certificate.

(c) On verification with the respective institution if the age certificate is found false, the concerned association shall not be allowed to participate in any Championship ( National/Zonal) for one complete year in the first instance and for three years in the second instance The Secretary of the member organization is solely responsible for this.

(d) In cases where a final decision cannot be taken or where a mistake has crept in,  accepting an age certificate, prior to the commencement of the match, the players involved may be allowed to compete and the match /matches be played “under protest such instances shall finally be dealt with at the earliest by the Tournament Committee. The results of such matches shall stand to alteration/ cancellation /change by the Tournament Committee during or after the National/ Zonal Championship, However a player or a team adversely affected by such a decision by the Tournament Committee may make an appeal to the Executive Committee Of the Ball Badminton Federation of India after depositing an appeal fee of Rs.100/- which will be refunded only if the appeal is favorably disposed of by the Executive Committee.



(a) Protests relating to a match which develop during that match are when game is in progress shall be made in writing at once and in any case not later than 30 minutes after the results have been official announced, by the concerned referee in the court.
(b) Protests shall be made in writing and only by the manager of the team concerned protests shall be sent to the Tournament Committee and only through the chief Referee. Each protest shall be accompanied by protests fee of Rs.100/- which will be refunded only with the protest is upheld. The Tournament Committee’s decision on all protests shall be final and binding on all concerned.

(a) The Chief Referee shall have full control over all matches played in the National/Zonal Championships. All the other referees/ umpires shall act directly under the control of the Chief Referee and shall take instructions from him. He shall consult the Chairman of the Referees Board in all matters connected with the National/Zonal Championships.
(b) The Chief Referee shall discharge the responsibilities envisaged for him in the various other clauses of these bye-laws.

(c) The Chief Referee shall be in sole charge of the ground arrangements.

(d) He shall see that Rules governing the game are strictly observed by the other referees and umpires. Any technical matter that may arise during any particular match or the championship which is not apparently covered by rules framed by the Ball Badminton Federation of India shall be decided by him in consultation with the Referees Board.

(e)  The Chief Referee can change any referee at any time and take over himself when any match is in progress, if in his opinion the continuance of that referee is not conductive to the proper conduct of the match and for the good name of the Federation, How ever he shall report such action to the Referees Board and to the Tournament Committee forthwith.

(f) The Chief Referee shall have power to exclude any competitor if in his opinion he/she is of improper conduct and or un-sportive and he shall report such matter forthwith to the Tournament Committee, for its approval.

(g) The Chief Referee if requested for by the host Association may assist them in preparing the fixtures and programs of the, competition in the National /Zonal Championships before the same being placed before the Tournament Committee for approval.

(h) At the close of the championships, the Chief referee shall scrutinize the score sheets and the list of results announced. he should give a report to the secretary showing total number of teams participated in each event total number of matches played and the final first three ranking in each event .and final eight ranks for future Championship fixtures This report shall be kept in the files of the Ball Badminton Federation of India as the official record.





(a) The Referees shall function under the general directions of the Chief Referee.

(b) Referee shall be fully conversant with the rules of the game.

(c) All decisions of the referee on question of fact are final and his interpretation of the rules shall be obeyed during the game.

(d) It shall be open to the managers of the teams concerned to protest against interpretations of rules given by referees subject to the rules for protesting detailed elsewhere in these bye-laws.

(e) The Referee has the power to order out from the ground any player/players for any misconduct/disobedience to his authority. should a player refuse to leave the ground, when so ordered the game shall be stopped and the matter reported forthwith to the Chief Referee, who shall take further appropriate steps.



(a) The host Association is to provide free accommodation to all the participating teams. The strength of a team shall be seven players one manager and one coach each. But in the case of the coach only one coach each for the male section and female section shall be officially recognized for each state irrespective of the total number of teams participating. One gutter from each state may also be included in the contingent.

(b) Loading facilities arranged for the women/girls should be separate and reasonably away from those arranged for men/boys

(c) As National/Zonal Championships are usually held during winter months, in addition to minimum amenities like mattress etc., arrangements should be made to provide hot water bathing. Where mattresses and blankets are not provided by the host Association, the Participating teams should be intimated well in advance to bring their own beddings and warm clothing.

(d) Depending on the size of the rooms, over crowding should not be permitted in the rooms allotted for teams. Preferably only five should be accommodated in a room. The rooms provided should be fit to be locked by the occupants for safety of their belongings.

(e) It should be ensured that there shall be easy availability of fresh water always, in the lodging provided for players.

(f)  There shall be reasonably sufficient number of bathrooms and latrines/lavatories in clean condition available in the place where the players stay

(g) Medical facility should be easily available at the places where the players are lodged .

(h) The host Association should appoint a liaison officer at each place where the players are lodged whose duty it shall be to render any assistance required by the teams. The host Association should Report to the Convenor of the Tournament Committee and the Chief referee the names of the liaison officers so appointed and the means to contact them.

(i) The host Association should ensure security arrangements for the safety of the players and their property at all times

(j) The Chief Referee shall inspect the lodging and other facilities arranged for the players well in advance (at least 2 days prior to the commencement of the Tournaments)and report to the Tournament Committee whether the arrangements made by the host Association in this regard are as per the rules and acceptable. The Tournament Committee should consider the report of the Chief Referee at least a day prior to the commencement of the tournaments, at a formally held meeting and its decision recorded.

(k) The Chief Referee shall commence the tournaments only after the Tournament Committee gives its recorded decision to do so, after getting it self satisfied that the arrangements made for the living conditions of the players are reasonably satisfactory or at least they are such as could be excepted to be improved and the host Association has given its assurance in writing, to rectify defects/draw backs in the arrangements forthwith.

(l) It shall be opened to the Ball Badminton Federation of India to arrange direct, for alternative hotel or any available accommodation for the players, if in its opinion, such a course is necessary or feasible and in such a contingency the host Association shall bear all the expenses involved in such arrangements.

(m) In addition to the teams, two members from each member organization are eligible for free hospitality by the host Association.(accommodation and boarding).

(n) The members of the Executive Committee, Tournament Committee Selection Committee and Referee Board are entitled for free furnished accommodation and other free hospitalities.

(o) Out station referees and umpires at the recommendation of the Chief Referee shall be given free hospitality by the host Association

(p) The Ball Badminton Federation of India shall be competent to invite out-station members of the press to cover the championships or other V.I.Ps to witness the championships. All such invitees shall be treated as guests of the host Association and provided free hospitalities. However in such cases the host Association may be informed in advance the number of such guests so that adequate arrangements may be made.

(q)All those who are eligible for free hospitality under the rules of the Ball Badminton Federation of India shall be given in addition to free lodging, D.A. at the rate of Rs.--- per day. D.A. shall be given for the actual number of days of the championships plus one day each prior to the commencement and conclusion of the championships in case if the host Association failed to arrange boarding.

(r) If on any occasion the championships are held at a place where public eating houses are not available, it shall be incumbent on the host Association to provide food instead of the payment of D.A. when food is given, provision must be made for separate vegetarian and non-vegetarian catering. The menu for each day should consist of morning tea/coffee, breakfast, lunch, evening tea with snacks and dinner.

(s) It shall be the responsibility of the host Association also to provide tea or coffee or soft drinks to the players and the field officials after each match is over. The Chief Referee shall ensure that adequate and proper arrangements are made by the host Association.





The host Association shall provide the following the transport arrangements:

(a) To carry the team members and luggage from the station to the place of their lodging on arrival and also to carry them back at the time of their departure.

(b) Where, in the opinion of the  Ball Badminton Federation of India, the lodging the  facilities provided are at a distance from the playing field, it shall be incumbent on the host Association to provide free transport arrangements for the players to reach the playing grounds in time. A fixed schedule shall be arranged for the playing of the vehicle at reasonable intervals. The schedule of trips shall be notified to the managers of all the teams on their arrival

(c) Where accommodation provided is distant from the venue of the championships, The Ball Badminton Federation of India officials and the state representatives shall also be given free transport facility.



(a) The participating teams shall notify the host Association the particulars of the train, time and date of their arrival. The host Association shall make arrangements to receive the teams at the station and transport the teams to the place where the teams are to be lodged, without dealing the teams at the station to any un-reasonable extent.

(b) The host Association shall open a Reception centre at the station, at least a day prior to the commencement of the championships which shall be manned by people conversant with details of lodging and other arrangements regarding the conduct of the championships. They should also be able to make transport arrangements for arriving teams whose intimation of arrival was lost or not received.



(a) Programs for the inaugural and closing functions of the championships shall be finalized by the host Association only with the approval of the president or General Secretary of The Ball Badminton Federation of India The seating arrangements on the dias at functions shall be finalized only after consulting with the General Secretary of The Ball Badminton Federation of India.

(b)The inaugural function shall include a march past and an oath taking of the participating teams and all teams are to be present for the march past



(a) The entire details of presentation of awards or honoring of persons at Nationals shall be decided in consultation with the General Secretary of The Ball Badminton Federation of India. No special present or award or honoring shall be given to any body at any National /Zonal champions without the consent of The  Ball Badminton Federation of India and the  Ball Badminton Federation of India will not generally agree to the grant of any special individual award or present

(b) It shall be the responsibility of the host Association to print and make available for distribution the undernoted certificates.
1) Participation certificates.
             2) Ist, IInd and IIIrd place certificates to each event.
3) Referee certificates
             4) Star of India certificates
5) Coach and manager certificates

The host association shall get the format of the certificates approved by the General Secretary of the Ball Badminton Federation of India before printing , such approved certificates should be printed and handed over in sufficient  numbers with the signature of the president and Secretary  of the Host Association, to the Tournament Committee for obtaining the signature of the president and the General Secretary of The Ball Badminton Federation of India at least one day a head of the completion of the championships



(a) The president/General Secretary/the Tournament Committee shall require the host Association to perform any duty or to carry out any obligation, other than what is explicitly required of it in these bye-laws, when it is deemed that such requisition is expedient in the interest of the championships and it shall be binding on the Host Association to carry out such instructions or directions forthwith.

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in these bye-laws it shall be open to The Ball Badminton Federation of India to suspend the Championships already began, if in its opinion the Host Association has failed to carry out satisfactorily any or all of the obligations or requirements as per these bye-laws or any other relevant rules of The Ball Badminton Federation of India in this regard shall be final and shall not be questioned by anybody anywhere including any court of law.

The General Secretary of The Ball Badminton Federation of India shall be the competent authority to take decisions and act on behalf of The Ball Badminton Federation of India under this provision. Any step or action initiated or taken by him under this provision shall be deemed to be a step or action initiated or taken by  The Ball Badminton Federation of India

* * *




Players participating in  the sub-junior event should not  have completed 15 years of age as on 31st December of that year Similarly players participating in the junior event should not have completed 19 years of age as on 31st December of that year .To show their eligibility players are supposed to submit age certificate in the proforma prescribed by the Ball Badminton Federation of India duly filled, attested by the prescribed authorities and signed by the secretary of the concerned state Association/organization along with original date of birth certificate / Xerox copy of Aadhar Card can also be produced for Age Certificate (The Original Aadhar Card has to be produced for verification).

(a) Whenever the player is a student, an Age certificate signed and sealed by the Head of the institution where the player studies alone shall be accepted. The photograph in the proforma to be given to the federation, in addition to the above mentioned Age Certificate in original has to be signed and sealed (attested) only by the same Head of the Institution who has issued the Age Certificate. Any deviation from this rule under any circumstances shall not be allowed.

(b) In case of a Player who has already left the institution the Age Certificate should   be obtained only from the College/School where he last studied. in this case the photograph in the proforma should also be attested by the same Officer under his seal. Transfer Certificates shall not be accepted as a document to prove date of birth.

(c) If under any circumstance, there is a player who has never in his life attended a school or college or any other Educational Institution (This very seldom happens) he has to bring original Age Certificate signed by the Government Birth and Death Registrar having jurisdiction over the place of birth of the player. In this case, the photograph on the proforma has also attested by the same officer.

(d) In addition to the above age certificate proforma carrying attested photograph the player should also submit his date of birth certificate in original v.i.z.,

1) S.S.L.C. Register or

2) Transfer certificate or marks list carrying date of birth or

3) Certificate from the head of the institution where the player is studying or studied last, on the letter head of the institution with seal –if the player is a student at any time in his/her life time.

4) Other wise if the player belongs to the class mentioned in ( c) above original municipal birth certificate should be submitted
(e) In no case any Age Certificate other than originals issued by the authorities mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs shall be accepted that is to say “true copies” of Age Certificates attested by any authority shall not be accepted under any circumstances.

(f) Assurance of any sort given by any Official, for production of original Age Certificate at a later date etc. shall not be accepted.

(g) In case of Players who are employed, attestation on certificates by the Personnel Officers or any other proper authority of the firm whereat they work may be accepted.

(h) In case of prima-facie doubt about the genuineness of any Age Certificate, the Tournament Committee shall have the power to reject such certificate, without assigning any special reason thereof and the decision of the Tournament Committee on this score shall be final and finding on all concerned.

(i) Notwithstanding any thing contained in the rule above, it is open to the General Secretary of the Ball Badminton Federation of India, to take suitable steps to verify the genuineness of any Age Certificate at any stage or point of time. If any certificate produced is found to be false or forged or point of time. If any certificate produced is found to be false or forged at any stage or point of time, the Ball Badminton Federation of India shall have power to initiate suitable action against the delinquent Player  or Association or both.

XVII.  Residential Eligibility:Any player to qualify himself/herself to represent in any National/Zonal Championship should have resided in that state atleast for a period of three months prior to the date of the commencement of the Championship concerned. However this provision will not apply to players representing organizations having membership in the  Federation.

XVIII.  National Championships

1) Sub-Juniors nationals: Under 15 years age as on 31st December of that year

2) Junior Nationals: Under 19 years age as on 31st December of that year

3) Senior Nationals: Under 45 years on the day of commencement of Nationals.

a)         All applications for appearance in the referees Test must be routed through the secretary of the State Association in whose jurisdiction the applicant resides. 
b)         An examination fee or Rs.1,000/- should accompany all applications for admission to the Referees Test. Application received without the prescribed fee shall be rejected forthwith.  Application fee once remitted shall under no circumstances be refunded.
c)         Persons below the age of 21 and above the age of 50 are not generally eligible to appear for the Referee Test.




Teams in each event (Men/Women / Boys / Girls) will be divided into six pools.
Pool matches will be played on league cum knockout basis.


In any National Championship when the need to have more than two pools arises The teams should be divided into six pools in which the first eight rankers of the previous Nationals will be included in Pool A & B giving seeding 1, 4, 5, 8 in Pool A and 2, 3, 6, 7 in Pool ‘B’ and the remaining teams shall be placed in Pool C, Pool D , Pool E, Pool F by the method of lots from among the equal teams as per their previous performance by the Tournament Committee and the Chief Referee.


After completing the Pool League Matches, the following qualifier Matches will be played i.e.
Winner of Pool-C will play with winner of Pool-F  i.e.X-Team
Winner of Pool-D will play with winner of Pool-E i.e. Y-Team


I, II, III Places of Pool-A and winner of X-team V/s. IV Place of Pool-A (IV).
I, II, III Places of Pool-B and winner of Y-team V/s. IV Place of Pool-B (IV). 


Knowkc Out Fixtures will be drawn as follows for Quarter Final.


1) Winner of  pool A      vs             Runner of pool B
2) Winner of  pool B      vs             Runner of pool A
3) Winner of  pool C      vs              Runner of pool D
4) Winner of  pool D      vs              Runner of pool C

                         Draws for Semi-Finals

A) Winner of (1)              vs            Winner of (4)
B) Winner of (2)              vs            Winner of (3)

                           Fixtures for Grand Finals

Winner of (A) in Semi-finals    vs       Winner of (B)
(will play Finals match to get first and second places)

Loosers Semi Finals:

For getting 3rd  and 4th places

Runner of A in Semi Finals vs Runner of B in Semi-finals will play



  1. Runner of (1)  V/s.  Runner of (4)  (in Quarter Finals)
  2. Runner of (2)   V/s. Runner of (3)  (in Quarter Finals)


        1. Winner of (A)  V/s Winner of (B) for 5th and 6th Places
        2. Runner of (A) V/s. Runner of (B) for 7th and 8th Places


XX.  Fixtures for All India Level Invitation or Open Tournaments

If the tournament is an official tournament at national level, then the above national fixtures have to be adopted.  At district level, state level or for an All India level invitation tournaments etc., depending on the number of participating teams, fixtures can be drawn as knockout, knockout cum league, league cum knockout, round robin league, seeding tournament etc. 

How to draw fixtures for Invitation Tournaments:

(a)  For Knockout Tournaments, the formula is N-1 where N is the number of teams.  This type of tournaments involved the elimination of team until only one remains winner.  In this tournament, the position of each team is determined by the number which was drawn.  When the number of entrants is not even power of two i.e., (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc), byes must be arranged to avoid having an uneven number of teams.  All the byes must be placed in the first round.  The number of byes should be sufficient to assure a number of contestants for the second round i.e., an even power of two.  This is accomplished by subtracting the total number of entries from the next higher power of two. 

For example: with 13 entries, subtract 13 from the next higher power of two which is 16, this leaves 3 which is the number of byes.  The total number of entrants 13 minus 3 byes leaves 10 contestants to play each other in the first round leaving 8 contestants in the second round which is an even number.  The byes can be distributed as evenly as possible between the upper and lower brackets. 




Single elimination bracket for 13 (uneven number) teams:


Single elimination bracket for 8 (even number) teams:



(b)  For conducting a league tournament, the formula is
N X (N-1)/2 where N is the number of teams
For example, for 8 teams: 8 X (8-1)/2 = 8 X 7 / 2 = 56 / 2 = 28
Total number of matches will be 28

In the round robin (i.e. league) tournament, each team has to play with each other team.  To draw a round robin schedule, place as many numbers as there in two vertical columns.  The following is the method of drawing up a round robin tournament for 8 teams:














































































































(If the number of teams is more, teams can be divided into pools.)
Seeding Tournament:
It is a process employed to place the competitors who by virtue of previous performance and reputation are considered superior in separate brackets in order to minimize their chances of meeting in the early rounds.



Conduct of Referees  

(a) Every Referee, when available , should be prepared to officiate, if asked to do so , by the Referees Board / Chief Referee or any other authority of the Ball Badminton Federation of India and a Referee who fails to conform to this rule shall be liable to such deterrent action as the Referees Board deem fit .

(b) In case a referee duly appointed under these rules is unable to turn up for duty at the appointed time and place , he shall inform the Chief Referee in good time with sufficient reason of his inability to enable the Chief Referee to mark alternate arrangements .

(c) The Referee While officiating shall conform to the dress regulations prescribed by the Ball Badminton Federation of India (presently Navy Blue pants tucked in white shirts and Black or Brown Leather shoes with white socks ).

24) Referees called by the Ball Badminton Federation of India to officiate in National/Zonal Championships shall be eligible for traveling allowance and other hospitalities as envisaged in the bye-laws of the Ball Badminton Federation of India regarding the conduct of the National/Zonal Championships.

XXII.  Official colour:- The official of the Federation shall be Navy Blue with the golden emblem. The flag will be Navy Blue Back ground. The Dimension of the flag shall be 6”X 4”.

XXIII.  Rules regulating All India Tournaments:

1) All applications for the conduct of the All India Tournaments shall be sent to the General Secretary of the Ball Badminton Federation of India, through the concerned state Associations along with the Tournament fee prescribed by the Ball Badminton Federation of India.

2) Players/clubs participating in ALL India Tournaments shall obtain permission of the state Association to which the players/clubs belong.

3) Combination of players from different states to constitute a team shall be allowed, only if the concerned states Associations agree. (Railways, Major port Sports Control Board, and other separately affiliated organizations are deemed as separate States for this rule).

     The Tournaments Committee shall disqualify teams violating this rule by not producing required consent.

4) The Tournament Committee shall see that an Achievement Report, indicating number of teams participated, details of States from where teams had come and the final results of the tournament is sent to the General Secretary, Ball Badminton Federation of India at the close of the tournament.

5) The State Association in whose jurisdiction the All India Tournament is held shall make sure that the correct Achievement Report under rule 4 is sent to the Federation in time.

6) Two officials of the Federation (the General Secretary and an observer preferably observer belonging to the state concerned if available) shall be members of the governing body of each All India Tournament and their expenses shall be borne by the tournament committee if attended any meeting or to witness the tournament.
7) All India Tournament shall be umpired only by Referees from the panel of All India Referees. This rule shall come in to force from the date of publication of the panel of Referees by the Ball Badminton Federation of India.

8) Players participating in All India Tournament shall obtain from the organizers of tournaments only expenses required for their journey to and fro, reasonable way side expenses and daily batta for their stay during the period of their participation in the tournaments. Exhorbitant or un-reasonable benefits demanded or obtained by players for participation in Tournaments shall make the players liable to be treated as professional players and professional players may cease to be eligible to play in Nationals and other All India Tournaments conducted by the Ball Badminton Federation of India.

9) Violation of any of the rules above shall forfeit the claim of the organizers to obtain sanction for conduct of tournaments in subsequent years.

10) No All India Tournament shall be conducted at the time of the National / Zonal Championships.