RECOGNIZED BY Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt.of Indian & Indian Olmpic Accociation Included in: School Games, University Game.


Organization Of Ball Badminton In India

Ball Badminton originated in Tanjore, in Tamil Nadu. It became popular, commanding the interest of the Maharaja of Tanjore. The game attracted many players from southern India, and is about as well-known as cricket . in that part of the country. Previously, ball badminton was an attractive game for rural boys since it required a minimum of equipment. The game drew a large number of students from South India, resulting in the formation of the Ball Badminton Federation of India in 1954. The BBF was among the first three sports federations—along with the Indian Athletic Federation and the Indian Hockey Federation—to form the Indian Olympic Association in 1961. Ball badminton eventually spread to Andhra Pradesh,and the first national championship was conducted at Hyderabad in 1956. It was later introduced at the junior and sub-junior levels.

Ball Badminton is an indigenous sport of India. It is a racquet game played with a woolen ball upon a court of fixed dimensions by two teams of five players each.The is also played by two players called Doubles and by only one player each side called singles. This game was played as early as 1856 by the royal family in Tanjore, capital of Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu, India. The game is widelyprevalent in India and will strike someone new to it as a mixture between volleyball, badminton, and tennis. The game attainedpopularity in the river basins of Cauvery, Krishna and Goodavari.

Ball Badminton is mostly played in day light and outdoors. As a result, climatic conditions do influence the trend of the game. Game rules were modified to distribute the effects of the climate, more or less evenly on both teams. In the recent years there are indoor versions of the game, played under flood lights. A good number of All India Tournaments have been conducted regularly using flood lights in the states of Tamil Naidu, Pondicherry, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

It is an exceedingly fast game demanding skill, quick perception, correct judgment, agility of movement and capacity to control the ball with proper movement of wrist.