RECOGNIZED BY Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt.of Indian & Indian Olmpic Accociation Included in: School Games, University Game.


Sponsor for Ball badminton Federation of India

1) BBFI Looking for a Sponsors & Co-Sponsors for Various National Senior, Junior, Sub-Junior Championships.

2) Logos and name will be shared with the event organizers in all publicity material and logos will be allotted at the top position in the main event backdrop, hoardings, posters, event brochures and the invitation cards

3) Organizational head or his designated representative will be personally requested to grace the occasion as special guest to be present during the opening and closing ceremonies

4) Logos and names will be published in all official press releases to the print media.

5) The Institutional and the corporate sponsor will be allowed a maximum of 10 banners each at the Opening / Closing ceremony venue (Provided by Sponsor)

6) Extra banners can be displayed along the competition course including the adjacent national highway but strictly adhering to the cited below conditions:


1) Banners/Advertisement. Material will be provided by the organization.

2) Banner Designs not approved by the BBFI ,Org. Committee prior to the event, will not be permitted to be displayed at all.

3) Maximum number of banners displayed at Event, Venue, shall be decided by BBFI

Benefits Of Sponsorship
  • Covered by DD Sports, New Delhi, Various News/Sports channel, National & Local News Paper.
  • Logos and names will be published in all official press releases to the Print & Electronic media.
  • Federation recognize our sponsors on Webpage.
  • Federation recognize our sponsors on Players Uniforms.
  • Federation recognize our sponsors on Playing Equipments.
  • Sponsors on Main Event Backdrops , Hoardings, Event Flyers, Event Brouchers, Banner of Championship, Letter pad,
  • Distributing promotional materials during events
  • Sponsor’s statement in programme or catalogue or publication
  • Sponsor stand at event.
  • Opportunity to address audiences and participants
  • Opportunity to name a specific award to be given at every National, Zonal, Regional Ball badminton Tournament
  • Name/logo displayed during regional conferences and exhibits
  • Recognition in Global Conference News Releases
  • Recognition in National, Zonal, Regional news releases
  • Logo listed at Ball Badminton website
  • Public recognition during regional, National tournament or International Ball Badminton Tournament at the Global Conference
  • Name / Logo on Players/officials uniforms, Regional and National teams.
  • Link to your Company / Organization from the Ball Badminton website
  • Introductions to celebrities (‘talent’)

Ball Badminton Federation of India ,a sole Governing body of Ball Badmiton Sport in india.

55 senior National already organised by BBFI successfully. Approved by India Goverment & Indian Olympic Association

Pls contact to Office bearers for a sponsorship- Home Page We hope a meeting with you if you are intrested in Sponsorship to discuss the various points and to discuss the sponsorship rules .